Aveiro, Portugal

Portugal has been a popular destination for individuals seeking to obtain residency or citizenship in the European Union through its Golden Visa program. However, recent news confirms that Portugal is putting an end to this program, which has stirred mixed responses from individuals and investors alike. If you’ve been considering the Portugal Golden Visa program as a pathway to EU residence or citizenship, you may be wondering what’s next. In this article, we’ll explore the implications of Portugal ending its Golden Visa program and what it means for you.

What is the Golden Visa program?

The Golden Visa program was introduced by the Portuguese government in 2012 as a way to attract foreign investment and boost the country’s economy. It offered a pathway to residency and citizenship in Portugal in exchange for specific investments, such as real estate, business, or capital transfer. This program became highly popular among investors from around the world, particularly those from non-European countries seeking access to the EU.

Why is Portugal ending the Golden Visa program?

Portugal’s decision to end the Golden Visa program has been met with mixed responses. Some argue that the program has helped boost the country’s economy, while others raise concerns about rising real estate prices, overcrowding, and potential risks of money laundering. The decision to end the program is part of Portugal’s broader efforts to reform its immigration policies and address these concerns. The government has stated that the termination of the Golden Visa program is intended to make the country’s residency and citizenship programs more transparent, secure, and aligned with EU regulations.

What does this mean for potential investors?

If you were considering the Portugal Golden Visa program as a means to obtain EU residency or citizenship, the end of the program may require you to reassess your options. While the program is ending, the Portuguese government has assured that investors who have already applied or have pending applications will still be able to proceed with the program until the end of 2022. However, after that, new applications will no longer be accepted under the Golden Visa program.

What are the alternative options?

While the Portugal Golden Visa program is ending, there are still alternative options for individuals seeking residency or citizenship in Portugal or the EU. Some of the options to consider include:

  1. Residence Permit for Investment Activity (ARI): This program allows for residency in Portugal for individuals who make certain investments, such as real estate or business, but with different requirements and conditions compared to the Golden Visa program.
  2. Regular Residence Permit: If you are not interested in making investments, you can still apply for a regular residence permit in Portugal through other means, such as employment, study, or family reunification.
  3. Citizenship by Naturalization: If you have lived in Portugal for a certain period of time and meet the criteria, you may be eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship through naturalization.
  4. Explore Other EU Golden Visa Programs: Several other European countries offer similar Golden Visa programs that provide residency or citizenship in the EU, such as Spain, Greece, Malta, and Cyprus.

It’s important to note that each program has its own requirements, conditions, and timelines, so thorough research and professional guidance are crucial when considering alternative options.


The end of Portugal’s Golden Visa program may come as a disappointment for some investors, but it’s important to understand the reasons behind the decision and explore alternative options. Portugal remains an attractive destination for investment, tourism, and residency, and there are still viable pathways to obtain residency or citizenship in the country or the EU. As always, it’s advisable to seek professional advice and thoroughly research your options to make informed decisions. While the Golden Visa program may be ending, Portugal continues to offer a welcoming and vibrant environment for individuals from around the world.

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